Skills and Areas of Expertise
- Data and information systems: Wrangle, analyze, and visualize data. Create dashboards and workflows/systems for making data work for teams. Use Excel, Tableau, Google Sheets, Zoho Creator and Google Looker Studio (formerly called Google Data Studio).
- GIS and web mapping: Highly proficient in CARTO (with use of SQL and CartoCSS), Tableau (with Mapbox basemaps).
- Critical thinking and reasoning: Able to simplify complex data-related goals by breaking them down into concrete steps and executing solutions.
- Communication and data strategizing: Help teams take complex ideas involving data and break them down into manageable and logical steps to create practical solutions.
- Writing and reporting: Strong proofreading and technical writing skills. Highly proficient in communicating ideas and conclusions with effective visualizations and written explanations. Very strong attention to detail.
BRIGADE, LLC - Florence, MA (Oct. 2021 - present)
Data Analyst
- Data analysis, visualization, and reporting: Develop and maintain interactive data dashboards through Google Looker Studio to provide visibility to client work and employee time logging, with a focus on utilization, profit margins, effective hourly earnings, and other financial and time tracking metrics. Focus on visually appealing and easy to read design for optimal user experience.
- Promotion of business stability: Provide data insights to owner, admin team, ops team, account managers and creative leads regarding how accounts are running, how to regularly evaluate processes and learnings, and how to keep an eye on resourcing trends through quarterly and monthly meetings. Planning accuracy, profit margins, and internal awareness have increased as a result.
Vermont Afterschool, Inc. - South Burlington, VT (Jan. 2012 – June 2021) – remote employee
Research Analyst (2015-2021); Project Support Specialist (2013-15); Project Assistant (2012-13)
Since shortly after the inception of Vermont Afterschool, a statewide network for advancing the field of afterschool, I worked for the organization remotely with minimal supervision and with various official titles, but have always been informally referred to as the "data person"/"data guru" of the organization. My main responsibilities and associated highlighted accomplishments were:
- GIS/web mapping: Created web maps visualizing organization's impact, identifying gaps in services, and providing relevant geographic data to constituents. Wrote scripts for automating geocoding of program sites.
- Data analysis, visualization, and reporting: Prepared data analyses upon request related to statewide program costs and operations. Wrangled, analyzed, and visualized large datasets related to youth outcomes and prepared written reports and summaries for organization's impact pages. Shared data findings through web-based presentations and blog posts.
- Data management and technical systems development: Developed and maintained internal database (through Zoho Creator), training evaluation system and other data collection systems for easy end user implementation. Built workflows and scripted automation to make systems efficient and productive.
- Noteworthy accomplishments:
- Summer 2021 program map: Created interactive map of summer programs that received statewide interest and was highlighted at VT Governor Scott's press conference.
- Fall 2020 remote learning hubs: Built interactive map of remote learning hubs (link of archived image) for school reopening, with school districts identified by COVID reopening status.
- GIS conference presentation: Presented Mapping Afterschool in VT with Tableau Public and Mapbox at Northeast Arc Users Group Conference, May 2017, Amherst, MA.
- Nationally recognized analysis: Conducted a return on investment (ROI) study spotlighted in Education Week inJanuary 2015 and became a template for three other states to conduct their own similar analyses.
Brattleboro Community Justice Center - Brattleboro, VT
AmeriCorps*VISTA (Aug. 2010 - Aug. 2011)
- Developed a database (Microsoft Access) to create an efficient system for tracking volunteerism and reporting data. Created a corresponding manual and trained staff on its usage.
- Implemented a survey project to determine community perceptions of youth behavior in downtown Brattleboro, VT. Shared and discussed findings with the town council.
- Created and delivered presentations to local colleges and youth groups on topics related to restorative justice.
Springfield College, Springfield, MA
-- M.S. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2010
- Initiated and implemented a pilot evaluation project to assess the effectiveness of volunteer tutors and mentors in the Springfield, MA public schools as an AmeriCorps student member during 2008-09 with Springfield School Volunteers.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
-- B.S. Industrial & Management Engineering / Psychology (dual major), 2008
-- G.P.A.: 3.53 (transcript available upon request)
- Served as a student consultant for senior design course to Latham International, a pool liner manufacturing company, by conducting a study on the potential safety and ergonomics threats to its employees. Presented findings and recommendations to the company’s management team.
- Received Founder's Award of Excellence for displaying "creativity, discovery, leadership, pride and responsibility" (Fall 2007).
Completed An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python course via Coursera through Rice University in 2013; Completed Introduction to R and Introduction to the Tidyverse via DataCamp in 2019.